New media application such as podcasting, blogging, ‘tweeting’ and vodcasting has allowed the average citizen to produce content worthy of publication, this mainly occurs on the Internet. The ‘people formerly knows as the audience” are now more interested in producing and co-producing content more than mindlessly consuming content (Deuze, 2009). So how does one become a citizen journalist?
These images or recordings are often posted on to Twitter accounts, Blogs, Flikr’s most of the time with the users commenting on the event and sharing the stories with friends. This average user of new media has turned themselves into citizen journalist. Ryan suggests that often, these raw pictures or recordings are treated as sources and are used with permission by journalists for their own stories (2010). Allowing for what Deuze calls a “democratization of media access”.
If a journalist can source these materials and images all from a computer desk, through the act of citizen journalism, one could argue that a journalist doesn’t necessarily require the resources of a big media conglomerate to write a news piece. Allowing for journalists to toy with the idea of freelancing, as opposed to being constricted to a contract perhaps?
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